We’ll Save You Time And Money With BreatheHR Set Up And Go!
As a small business, anything that saves you admin time money and lets you get stuck into what you love doing is a godsend. As we’re sure you’re already aware, dozens of helpful tech innovations are released each month. However, BreatheHR is the one system our clients consistently tell us they love and couldn’t live without, and with Breath HR Set Up and Go, it just got even better!
It’s not only our clients who love BreatheHR software; we’ve been waxing lyrical about it for some time, too. Intuitive, straightforward and employee-friendly, this cloud-based HR software keeps all your employee’s information safe while also allowing the right people access to it at a moment’s notice. Individual logins allow easy management of everyone’s holiday, easy tracking of sickness, company policies and much more.
If you’re currently managing your employee holidays on spreadsheets or keeping your staff files in filing cabinets, it’s time to re-evaluate. BreatheHR will save you time, and money, and gives you one less thing to worry about.
Why Doesn’t Every Small Businesses Use BreatheHR?
“What’s the catch? How easy is it to set up? I don’t have the time to set aside to learn and implement a whole new system.”
We understand that companies may not want to implement a new system. They may not be aware of cloud-based systems or they might be stuck in their ways. After working with small businesses for many years, we recognise the most-often cited reason is the time it takes to implement a new system… even if the intention is to save time in the long run!
So, for businesses that want to set up BreatheHR, but do not necessarily need to the full support and function of an HR consultancy, we offer a one-off, BreatheHR Set Up and Go service. In other words, we’ll help you get off the ground with one of the best HR tools available for SMEs.
How To Get Started With Our BreatheHR Set Up and Go Package
Our BreatheHR Set Up and Go process is straightforward. We’ll work with you to determine an appropriate timescale for your business. The more employees your company has to put on to the system, the more data there is to collect, but the more benefits you will see.
Step 1: Gather your employee information;
Step 2: Create profiles and upload employee information to Breathe;
Step 3: Assign a master user, and train management and staff on every aspect of the system; then finally,
Step 4: Provide ongoing support.
As a cloud-based system, you don’t need to install anything. There are no expensive operating costs, and you will immediately see the utility, benefits and ease of the system once you are up and running.
Throughout the entire process, we will be there to answer any questions you have. The team at BreatheHR are continually reviewing their own software to make it better every month, so in the unlikely event that a problem arises, technical support is hand at a moment’s notice.
The advantages of this HR system are clear. Even if you only use BreatheHR to manage your employee admin, you will still see a huge Return on Investment. As mentioned, the main barrier that stopped small businesses implementing BreatheHR was the initial time investment. BreatheHR Set Up and Go removes that obstacle because we understand how much our clients (and ourselves) have benefitted utilising BreatheHR.
While we include BreatheHR setup and management in all our Service Plans, we appreciate that some businesses simply may not require ongoing HR support. That’s why we’re offering BreatheHR Set Up and Go – to get you up and running without a further commitment!
BreatheHR Set Up and Go requires only a small investment, but will improve your HR processes ten-fold! We can help you get the most out of this superb business tool, meaning you spend less time performing admin. Finally, with implementation, training and support from our professionals, you can rest assured that BreatheHR will be set up correctly so you can hit the ground running… and have more time to breathe!
To find out more about our BreatheHR Set Up and Go package, PLUS how to save 20% off your first six months subscription if you sign up in August 2019, click here. If you’d like to book a demo of the Breathe system, please arrange a time here.