Make light work of recruitment with Breathes recruitment module


With it still being a turbulent time in recruitment, it can be overwhelming for SMEs to hire new people – why not let Breathe’s recruitment took simplify your hiring process? It doesn’t have to be challenging with the most up-to-date and relevant online tools.  

Breathe’s Recruitment module is a super-simple applicant tracking system (ATS) that they have designed specifically to make recruitment easier for SMEs. 

You can: 

  • Create & publish vacancies in a flash 
  • Collect & store applications with a built-in application form 
  • Assign ‘recruiters’ to each vacancy 
  • Shortlist candidates with ease & send interview invites 
  • Archive applications for future roles 
  • Keep everything in one place – from start to finish  

So, how can the Recruitment Module help? 

1. Impress potential employees from the outset

It has never been more important to stand out and grab candidates’ attention. By offering an online modern application system right from the beginning, you are not only impressing potential employees but delivering an excellent onboarding experience.

2. Ensure all your recruitment records are in one place

The Recruitment Module is designed to streamline your HR processes and keep all important information in one central place – including job vacancies and new hires. When you have found the right person for the job, you can simply change their status to ‘Employee’, and their details will be pulled straight across to your employee database.  

3. Maintain Confidentiality and GDPR

When applicants or new starters supply sensitive information, it’s super-important that you keep this stored safely to stay GDPR-compliant.  

Luckily, you can rely on Breathe to keep sensitive employee data water-tight so you can focus on other important HR tasks. 

Breathe has even been recognised for its data security. 

4. Save the environment and your sanity

With the Breathe recruitment being a cloud-based, paperless system, you can ensure all your documents are kept safe in one place without cluttering up your inbox and your desk! With Breathe’s online Recruitment tool, you’ll streamline the way you hire new people and contribute to a paper-free workplace – saving your organisation a few pennies (and some trees, too). 

5. Save valuable time and manage stress!

As a software provider Breathe is superb at saving small businesses valuable time so you can spend it putting your people first.  

Breathe helps cut back on the mundane, time-consuming HR admin tasks – including when it comes to recruitment! 

How would you spend an extra few hours in your working week? 


Contacting Us

If you need some HR support and are considering your recruitment processes, get in touch with our friendly team of HR experts today. You can book a call with us using the button below at a time convenient to you or click here.

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