4 Benefits Of E-Learning For Small Businesses

These Benefits Of E-Learning Will Keep Your Small Business Compliant

One of the common issues that I often come across with small businesses is trying to find a cost-effective way to ensure that their team is compliant in statutory training. To combat this, I have partnered with UpskillPeople to offer small businesses access to corporate e-learning at small business costs. In highlighting the benefits of e-learning, I will show you how blended learning can empower your team to take a more active approach to their own learning while allowing you to keep on top of training.

4 Incredible Benefits Of E-Learning


1. Consistency

When you run a small business, you may not recruit a new employee from one year to the next. Ensuring a new employee gets the best start includes ensuring they have the knowledge to do their role. One of the benefits of e-learning; Fire Training will give you consistency along with a formal record of training and tests to prove they understood.
Ensuring you have a robust induction process with both e-learning and face-to-face training gives your new start a solid foundation.
Upskill People not only offer regular training, but their system also offers bespoke courses built around your requirements. Every company is unique, but one area where business remains the same across the board surrounds consistency. Maintaining consistency is essential to your growth and success.

2. Flexibility

For hospitality or food production businesses, it is a legal compliance for all staff to have food hygiene training. Many small businesses will run these courses once every three months to ensure compliance. This frequency could mean a new employee could be with you for nearly three months without the requisite training.
Another of the benefits of e-learning means you can give an employee a pre-course to get the basics. They could then later complete a formal, face-to-face course when you have the numbers keeps you covered.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

Face-to-face training with one member of the team can prove to be expensive. One of the many benefits of e-learning allows all manner of base knowledge to be taught and embedded, meaning face-to-face training becomes much more effective.
Upskill People charges for set licences, meaning you only pay for the courses you need. Another one of the benefits of e-learning with Upskill People is the fact that you can undertake a training course as many times as you like. If you are in a high staff turnover industry, this option helps with keeping costs down. Upskill’s teaching methods also mean you don’t need any special equipment or technology. A smartphone, tablet or computer is all you need to empower your team with the many benefits of e-learning! Speaking of which…

4. Empowerment

Having worked within Human Resources and Training for two decades, I understand that everyone learns differently. For some people, it is easy to digest training, but for others, it is not. E-learning allows the trainee to go back over all course’s content whenever they need to. Giving your team the ability to re-learn or do extra courses will empower them. The ability to go back and re-learn is also a great way to retain employees.
E-Learning is by no means the only technique a business should utilise to train its employees, but the benefits of e-learning are definititely worth the small outlay. I truly believe e-learning is a great resource that more businesses just like yours should be taking advantage of.
If you would like more information on how I could help your business, please contact me for a demo.

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HR Health Check Kate Underwood HR
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