Food Allergies: A Big Responsibility For Your Small Business

What Are Your Responsibilities Surrounding Food Allergies?

Here at Kate Underwood HR, we’ve decided that March is Wellbeing month in the office. Naturally, one of the things we’ve been thinking about is allergies and allergens in the workplace. In particular (with quite a few of our clients being in the ‘food trade’), food allergies and why it’s important to consider them for both your customers and employees.

To prevent people with food allergies suffering from dangerous reactions, controlling allergens at work is crucial. Many symptoms are life-threatening without proper treatment – around ten people in the UK die from food allergies every year. In fact, an estimated 1-2% of adults have a food allergy, which equals more than a million people.

It’s therefore likely that someone in your workplace has an allergy and, without caution, you could put them at serious risk of a reaction. You should understand how to minimise allergy risks and prioritise managing food allergies in the workplace to keep them safe.

With this in mind, we thought we’d ask our friend Ruth at Simply Safer to be a guest blogger again this month and share some food allergen-related advice!

Allergens: A Matter Of Life & Death

The effective management of food allergies is a serious issue. Recent high-profile cases in the press have highlighted how important it is to have robust procedures that are stringently followed within food preparation areas.

Food Allergies: Knowing What’s Expected

The Food Standards Agency has a wealth of useful information on their website which will help you to comply with the rules set out in EU Food Information for Consumers Regulations.

The two key requirements when working with food are that you must:

  • Provide allergen information to the consumer for both pre-packed and non-prepacked food or drink
  • Handle and manage food allergens to avoid the risk of cross-contamination

In addition, you have a duty to ensure your staff are trained about allergens.

The 14 Allergens You Need To Know About

Regulations require that you advise customers if any of your food products contain the following in case they suffer from food allergies:

Celery Gluten-containing Cereals(more info here)
Crustaceans Eggs
Fish Lupin*
Milk Molluscs
Mustard Tree nuts
Peanuts Sesame seeds
Soybeans Sulphur Dioxide and Sulphites

The regulations about how you provide this information to your customers can be confusing and depend on how you supply the products. It is always a good idea to seek professional advice as non-compliance, even if accidental, can have serious implications for your customers, you and your business if something goes wrong.

*Lupin is a legume and fast emerging as a ‘superfood’. However, lupin and its derivatives have been associated with allergic reactions for sufferers of peanut allergies. You need to consider the potential for cross-reactivity if using Lupin in ‘nut-free’ recipes and products.

Managing Allergens In The Kitchen

As well as following the legal requirement that you must be able to provide information regarding allergens in your product to customers, the management of allergens within the kitchen is also very important.

It is important that you have a recipe for all dishes served and that these recipes are always followed. Ingredients must be properly stored in original packaging or in labelled containers, detailed information about recipes is required and you must always have processes in place to keep this information up to date.

Some people are allergic to foods that are not included in the 14 ‘known allergens’ so having the recipe or ingredients list available is very important.


Preventing cross-contamination is an important aspect of managing allergens and there are different ways to approach this in your kitchen or food preparation area.

Food Preparation Processes

Having separate preparation areas, tools and utensils are highly recommended. This helps to reduce the risk of cross-contamination between foods. You must also manage the use of the tools and utensils effectively. For example, if you use designated chopping boards for the preparation of food within the allergen-free area, how do you ensure that different allergens don’t cross contaminate on the same board?

Similarly, how you cook products needs to be considered. For example, if you use the same cooking oil to cook gluten-free chips as you use to cook food which is NOT gluten-free, you cannot tell your customer the chips are gluten-free.


As previously mentioned, ingredients and prepared foods must be stored separately in sealed and labelled containers. Think about where you store different foods on shelves in the dry store. For example, store nuts on the bottom shelves so if they spill, they will not end up in other products.

Personal Hygiene

Handwashing is vital when it comes to food hygiene and not only to prevent the transfer of bacteria and viruses. Thorough handwashing prevents the cross-contamination when handling different products within the preparation and serving process. Always wash hands before preparing an allergy-free meal.

Making ‘Free From’ Claims

I would urge extreme caution in making ‘free from’ claims about products. The ability to create any ‘free from’ meals requires compliance with strict regulations about the handling and preparation process.

In order to comply, you must be able to guarantee the food is suitable for everyone with food allergies or intolerance. If you are handling any allergens within the same kitchen, then you cannot guarantee there’s no risk of cross-contamination.

Five Places You Might Not Expect To Find Allergens:

  • Doner kebab meat is held together with yoghurt so take care of milk allergies.
  • Canned tuna sometimes includes the milk protein, casein.
  • Processed deli meats may contain gluten and soy, and cold meats cut on a slicer may have been cross-contaminated with cheese!
  • Worcestershire sauce often contains fish derivatives, as does Caesar dressing and lots of Asian dishes.
  • Who doesn’t love a hot chocolate? Take care if you have issues with milk, soy, wheat or gluten which are often found in hot chocolate powder.

Need More Information On Food Allergies?

Simply Safer supports businesses to comply with the legal safety requirements for both food safety and Health and Safety, they provide food safety advice to businesses across the UK with most along the south coast.

If you have read this article and have any questions about how you manage allergens in your business, call Ruth on 07941 421 809 or email [email protected]

NB: This article gives you an example of the things you need to consider when it comes to managing allergens in your food preparation areas or kitchen. It is not a comprehensive guide and does not provide full guidance that nor guarantee you meet your statutory obligations or fully comply with regulations. If in doubt, you should always seek the advice of a qualified and experienced expert.


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