
Template Documents

These Employee Template Documents  provides a range of policies, forms, letter templates and contracts of employment contract template to enable employers to recruit staff, manage employees, through to redundancy and dismissal.

These have been written by HR Professionals and Solicitors to ensure you are getting the most up to date information when you need it.


Document Bundles

Staff Finance and wellbeing Bundle kate Underwood HR

Staff Financial and Wellbeing Bundle

£99 (Inc VAT)

Staff Finance and Well-being are so important at the moment so we have put together a bundle to help support you and your team during this time.


Absence Management Training Kate Underwood HR

Absence Policy

£15 (Inc VAT)

Effective management of absence is one of the biggest challenges facing any employer and accurate measurement of employee absence, including the use of triggers and targets, is one of the main tools which can be used in this regard.

HR Now Adoption Policy Kate Underwood HR

Adoption Policy

£15 (Inc VAT)

This Adoption policy applies to all employees regardless of their length of service, when one or more children are newly matched for adoption.  This is a statutory Policy.

Anti Bribery HR Now Kate Underwood HR

Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy

£15 (Inc VAT)

Establishing an anti-bribery and corruption policy is one of the major ways you can prevent it from arising in your business.  This is a statutory Policy.

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