Steps to Success: Wellbeing Challenge


Welcome to Steps to Success: Wellbeing Challenge!


So, boys and girls; how are you feeling about this lockdown? It sucks, doesn’t it?


Well, there’s good news, the Steps to Success: Wellbeing Challenge is here to rescue you from the winter lockdown blues!


What with the clocks changing back in October and it being dark when you wake up in the morning – as well as the evenings – there won’t be so much getting out and about and it is so important to look after your own mental wellbeing.


So yesterday we were talking as a team and we’re trying to come up with something that would help and we came up with Steps to Success. I know that when I am in the office I tend to walk a lot more and do more steps – I took a look at my Activity App and realised the last lockdown I on average apart from the days I did PT did less than 2,000 steps a day which let’s face it is awful considering we need to do 10,000 a day!


The last lockdown it was sunny and easy to get outside and at least sit in the garden but it is so important to take a break and get some fresh and a break outside – weather permitting.  So I have a challenge for you!


What is Steps to Success: Wellbeing Challenge?


From Thursday 5th November 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020 will you commit to Steps to Success?


What does Steps to Success entail? Well, it means walking 150,000 steps.


Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it sounds! With a month to complete the Steps to Success: Wellbeing Challenge, it works out as 5000 steps a day.


Here are some ideas off the top of my head on how this could be achieved by a mixture of the below.


  • Walking the Kids to School and back and ditching the car
  • Taking a walk at lunchtime – check with your boss if remote working to see if you could take a bit longer so you can walk in the light.
  • Walk up and down your stairs for 5 minutes 3 times a day – gets your heart rate up too – win-win
  • Plan to go for a socially distanced walk with a friend – the guidelines allow you to meet up with 1 other outside your household.
  • March on the spot whilst watching your favourite TV program
  • Taking the dog for a walk


If you sign up to this Steps to Success: Wellbeing Challenge, then for everyone that gets to 150,000 steps we will give a little treat – T&C’s will come once you have signed up I will need to see some proof that you’re serious first! We can’t go giving away treats willy-nilly now, can we?


So sign up below and commit to it and get some accountability.


If you want some ideas on how to do some home work out then check out Greg Small Personal Trainer who has some great workouts and also said he wouldn’t be so mean to me on our next Zoom PT session if I gave him a shoutout… I don’t believe it!


And finally, if you are a runner and want to do a bit more then than 5,000 steps a day, you can sign up to one of Rees Leisure’s Challenges.



Did You Miss Our Employee Wellbeing Webinar?                            

In October, I was joined by three fantastic women at an hour-long webinar.

We got our heads together online to impart some expert knowledge about employee wellbeing. And… once we got going, it all went swimmingly, even if I may say so myself!                           

Ali Grady – The Thrive Team                        

Nicola Green – Nicola Green Consultancy             

Sarah Fowler – Flex Occupational Health                                                

If you missed it, have no fear! Just download the video below and re-watch it to get some great ideas and support for your team during these challenging and uncertain time.

Remember to take care and we are here anytime you need us – apart from when we are getting our steps in…

Do steps on the way to the fridge count? Nice try, Pete – but we’re sorry to say that they don’t! 


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