How To Survive Christmas At The Office

All Yule Need To Know About Surviving Christmas At The Office!

Christmas at the office can be almost as bad as going home to visit the family. For some, it’s a time of spreading joy, love and peace to all men, for others it’s filled with useless gifts, bad jumpers, worse dancing and the occasional broom-cupboard tryst that must never be spoken of again! But do you really know how much Christmas at the office really means to your team?

Bah, Humbug!

Christmas time can bring out the Ebeneezer Scrooge in some small business owners. If you’re the type of boss who says “Bah, Humbug!” you may think celebrating Christmas at the office is a waste of time and resources. However, somewhat surprisingly, research has shown that not recognising staff’s needs during Christmas at the office can have a more damaging effect on morale.

Businesses must be mindful of how this could hit their productivity levels, so it’s important to thank the staff for their hard work over the year and keep them feeling appreciated during the run-up to the festive season.

Christmas At The Office: Research Results

The small business experts at AXA PPP healthcare reveal what your employees may be thinking in the build-up to Christmas.

Neary one third of businesses do not have a Christmas party, and an astonishing 54% of employees dread the staff Christmas party. The main reason for this fearfulness is due to staff not wanting to make a faux pas. We’ve all heard of alternative uses of the office photocopier! 1 in 4 employees say they regret something they did at a Christmas party!

So why do companies still have parties? Well, mainly because the good merits outweigh the bad. Celebrating Christmas at the office does offer an opportunity for bosses to reward the team and have some fun.

Top Tips For Your Christmas Party

  • Join the 47% of people who say they will try not to drink too much this year
  • Like 36% of employees who have done this, book holiday if you think you might be hungover the next day
  • Look out for each other – don’t kill your career
  • Don’t be sick on the boss

So what is the right thing for you to do? If you’re at all unsure, why not ask your staff what they want? Your middle management is your link between you and your workforce and will often be far more in touch with their desires and needs.

Fun Alternatives For Christmas At The Office

The festive season is all about fun and inclusivity, so why not go old skool and make decorations, or maybe have a competition – you can all remember how to make paper snowflakes or a gingerbread man chain.

A Secret Santa is always a great way to spread the cost of gifts; not only for the business but also for your team – they might not have the extra cash to buy a gift for everyone. It also eliminates the issue of whether it is appropriate to give a gift to your manager.

Why not ask your team what they would like to do? If money is a bit tight, maybe share the cost. Perhaps the company buys the drinks at the party, while the team each bring in some food to share? This idea brings the costs down and maybe even allow for the bonus which 57% of staff say they would prefer to having a party.

We often think more about receiving than giving, but this year, Co-op asked their team to do a reverse advent calendar. On Christmas Eve, Co-op employees will give boxes of food and gifts to the homeless.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure you have some fun and enjoy this time of year – although your business could be in its busiest period that often brings out the best in the team and saying ‘Thank You’ costs nothing.



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HR Health Check Kate Underwood HR
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